The Datapay Difference

We beat our competitors in pricing and service.
Ready to save 30% or more with a team you can trust?

Datapay Payroll Services • Better pricing and service
Datapay Payroll Services delivers competitive pricing

Competitive Pricing

We beat our competition’s rates by 30-40%

“Not only do I save time, but using Datapay costs my business less!”
– Gerry B

Data pay makes business easy

Ease of Doing Business

Our customer service is unmatched

Our transition to Datapay went more smoothly then I could’ve imagined!”
– Rhonda H

As a local business, Datapay Payroll Services delivers immediate action

Immediate Action

We’re local and always available

“Datapay staff happily answer our numerous questions and make last-minute changes when needed.”
– Katie P